A view of current social problems where values and ethics intervene





conduct, performance, sense, values, ethics.


It is a difficult task to try to summarize the different ideological and philosophical positions that support the variety of perspectives on various issues related to the ethics of human life, or life in general, of bioethics, and also the differences in legislation of each country. I will try to make a synthesis, without going into the investigation of each question due to lack of space.

The study is aimed at highlighting that the formation of ethical value lost in youth aspects is not a managerial issue, but is based on the contributions of ethics, since it provides essential values ​​to encourage social behavior and institutional management on the based on the fact that communities require honest conduct that stimulates legality, responsibility and a sense of belonging to community life.


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How to Cite

Angulo Guerrero, R. J., & Mesías Simisterra, Ángel E. (2022). A view of current social problems where values and ethics intervene . Border Social Journal, 2(3), 1–12. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6510052