Education and Rural Development: Conceptual Analysis from a Community Approach.




education; development; visibility; phenomenon.


Education for the rural population is a phenomenon with economic, cultural and social particularities that demand specific interventions and analysis. However, a superfluous approach is recurrent that simply relates the increase in schooling with the increase in income, through the emphasis on agricultural content. In opposition to this perspective, the following are analyzed: a) the characteristics of rural education that include both differences of the participating communities and people, as well as those related to the historical institutional abandonment of rural areas, b) the weakness of the usual relationships made between education and development and c) the responsibility socially assigned to education, hoping it achieves structural transformations by itself. Through the analysis of the public policy in charge of intervening on this issue in Ecuador, it seeks to problematize rural education and itscontribution to rural development. Likewise, it is intended to make visible non-economic components of said development and draw attention to the importance of focusing the analysis on the well-being of people, complementing rural development approaches with human development, which values people and their well-being as the ultimate goal of development by reversing the tendency of rural development to subordinate non-economic issues.


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How to Cite

Garcés Aguirre , T. V., Angulo Guerrero, R. J. ., & Vera Mera , M. V. (2023). Education and Rural Development: Conceptual Analysis from a Community Approach. Border Social Journal, 3(1), 60–74.

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