Research studies the current situation of Doctoral (PhD) training, qualification, and accreditation in Ecuador


  • Joicy Anabel Franco Coffré Universidad de Guayaquil, Universidad de Especialidades Espíritu Santo, Guayaquil, Ecuador
  • Lina Graciela Calderón Intriago Universidad de Guayaquil - Carrera de Enfermería, Guayaquil-Ecuador
  • Joe Luis Ordoñez Sánchez Universidad de Guayaquil - Carrera de Enfermería, Guayaquil - Ecuador Universidad Técnica de Babahoyo, Guayaquil - Ecuador
  • Marcia Isabel Ortega López Universidad de Guayaquil - Carrera de Enfermería, Guayaquil-Ecuador



Graduate Education; Health Sciences; Higher education


In Ecuador, with the reforms that occurred in the Constitution of the Republic in 2008, and reforms of the Organic Law of Higher Education, the creation of the CES, CACES, and SENESCYT consequently carried out substantial changes at the level of Higher Education of the country. Among these changes was the emphasis that the level of professional training of the Doctorate took, even more so, on university teachers.

Descriptive research was carried out, using primary and secondary sources of information (scientific articles, Portal of Higher Education Indicators of Ecuador (SIIES), and web pages) whose objective was to reveal the current situation of the training of doctors at the equator. Among the main results, a growth in student enrollment at the undergraduate level was found, an increase in postgraduate registrations in the area of ​​health and well-being in Ecuador, and slow but sustained growth in the registration of PhD degrees. Prevalence of postgraduate degrees obtained in foreign universities, mostly from Venezuela, Cuba, Brazil, Argentina and Spain. Considering the relevance of the Ecuadorian Accreditation System, the need for a greater effort to ensure quality in education at all levels is highlighted, especially about the doctoral training of its teachers, as well as in the generation of new knowledge, innovation and research by this existing intellectual mass.



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How to Cite

Franco Coffré, J. A. ., Calderón Intriago , L. G., Ordoñez Sánchez, J. L., & Ortega López, M. I. (2024). Research studies the current situation of Doctoral (PhD) training, qualification, and accreditation in Ecuador. Border Social Journal, 4(3), e43314.

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