Teaching and learning strategies for ethical and moral sensitivity in the professional training of nursing students


  • Carmen Alexandra Sánchez Hernández Carmen.sanchezh@ug.edu.ec https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6044-9657
  • Luis Alberto Salazar Guashpa Universidad de Guayaquil. Carrera de Enfermería, Guayaquil Ecuador https://orcid.org/0009-0009-9419-243X
  • Rosa Piedad Moran Asencio Universidad de Guayaquil, Carrera de Enfermería, Guayaquil-Ecuador
  • Joicy Anabel Franco Coffre Universidad de Guayaquil-Carrera de Enfermería, Guayaquil-Ecuador




Moral Sensitivity; Teaching Learning Strategies; Nursing Students


Objective: identify teaching and learning strategies for ethical and moral sensitivity in the professional training of nursing students.

Methods: This integrative review was conducted using the Whittemore & Knafl method in 5 stages, including problem identification, literature search, evaluation of primary sources, data analysis, and presentation of results. Searches were carried out using keywords in databases such as Web of Science, PubMed, with the keywords: "nursing students" "moral development" in the period from 2019 to 2024.

Results: After applying inclusion criteria and evaluating the articles, 7 selected articles were obtained. Among the teaching and learning strategies, role-playing, debate, projects, problem-based learning, case studies and group discussions were mentioned as the most suitable for promoting reflective and critical thinking rather than memorization of concepts. The professional values that were most encouraged were responsibility, prudence and empathy.

Conclusion: Bioethics education in nursing students should tend to use innovative strategies that can encourage the student to think critically to solve problems of an ethical nature, where identity and professional values as well as personal values can come together instilled at home.


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How to Cite

Sánchez Hernández, C. A. ., Salazar Guashpa, L. A. . ., Moran Asencio, R. P. . ., & Franco Coffre, J. A. . . (2024). Teaching and learning strategies for ethical and moral sensitivity in the professional training of nursing students. Border Social Journal, 4(3), e43316. https://doi.org/10.59814/resofro.2024.4(3)316



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