Revista Social Fronteriza ISSN: 2806-5913 | doi: 10.59814/resofro.2024.4(1)e177
Artículo de investigación
Planificación de clases basada en el Inglés para propósitos
específicos (ESP)
Lesson plans based on English for Specific Purposes (ESP).
María Mercedes Gallegos-Núñez
Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo, Riobamba, Ecuador,
Mónica Noemí Cadena-Figueroa
Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo, Riobamba, Ecuador,
Washington Gonzalo Pomboza-Junez
Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo, Riobamba, Ecuador
Autor de Correspondencia: Mónica Noemí Cadena Figueroa
Recibido: 16 octubre 2023 | Aceptado: 29 diciembre 2023 | Publicado online: 8 enero 2024
Gallegos-Núñez M., Cadena-Figueroa, M., y Pomboza-Junez W. Planificación de clases basada en el Inglés para propósitos específicos (ESP)
Revista Social Fronteriza 2024; 4(1): e177.
Esta obra está bajo una licencia internacionalCreative Commons Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 4.0.
Revista Social Fronteriza ISSN: 2806-5913 | doi: 10.59814/resofro.2024.4(1)e177
Este es un trabajo desarrollado en Investigación Formativa elaborado por estudiantes de Octavo Semestre
de la Carrera Pedagogía de los Idiomas Nacionales y Extranjeros con el objetivo de elaborar
planificaciones a través de la aplicación del Inglés para Propósitos Específicos (ESP), para guiar a los
futuros profesores como elaborarlas, se escogió tres especialidades como Medicina, Turismo y Economía.
De esta forma se enfocó la planificación de acuerdo a ESP, a diferencia de la enseñanza de idiomas con
fines generales, que a menudo se basa en el manejo de la gramática. Para conocer el criterio de autores el
proyecto se trabajó a través del enfoque cualitativo, se realizó la revisión bibliográfica para recopilar
información y conocer los diferentes tipos de planes de clase y determinar cuáles son los más eficientes
en este campo. El resultado fue crear planes de clase en tres áreas diferentes, como Medicina, Turismo y
Economía y usar el Inglés de acuerdo a la especialidad donde se lo enseña como lengua extranjera.
Palabras claves: Inglés para Propósitos Específicos, planificación, curriculum, educación.
This is a work developed in Formative Researching prepared by students of Eighth Semester of
Pedagogy of National and Foreign Languages with the objective of constructing lessons plans through the
application of English for Specific Purposes (ESP) to guide prospective teachers how elaborate a lesson
plans according ESP, three specialties such as Medicine, Tourism and Economics were chosen. In this
way, planning according to ESP was approached, as opposed to general purpose language instruction,
which is often based on mastery of grammar. In order to know the authors' criteria, the project was worked
through qualitative approach, a bibliographic review was carried out to collect information and know the
different types of lesson plans and determine which are the most efficient in this field. The result was to
create lesson plans in three different areas, such as Medicine, Tourism and Economics, and use English as
a foreign language according to the specialty where it is taught.
Keywords: ESP English for Specific Purposes, lesson plans, curriculum , instruction.
Revista Social Fronteriza ISSN: 2806-5913 | doi: 10.59814/resofro.2024.4(1)e177
1. Introducción
This work about Formative Researching was developed by students of Eighth Semester of
Pedagogía de los Idiomas Nacionales y Extranjeros Career. Academic Period 2022-2S. The
content refers to the topic of lesson plans for academic purposes in English for Specific
Purposes. The objective was to identify how prospective teachers can construct lesson plans
for academic purposes and look for the most efficient types of lesson plans. In order to carry
out this research, was used the bibliographic rmethod to gather information in order to
distinguish the different types of lesson plans and determine which ones are the most
adequated in this field. The topic has been focused to create lesson plans in three different
areas such as Medicine, Tourism, and Economics. A lesson plan can be defined as a unit in
which is a sequence of activities around a particular topic that will be covered during a
There are three categories of lesson plans that are related to knowledge, appreciation, and
skills. The first is related to knowledge provide relevant information about the topic or
content. Second, the lesson plan related to appreciation to help students to grow in their
emotional qualities, and cultivate positive attitudes, emotions, and values. And finally, lesson
plans related to achieve psychological learning objectives such as skills of reading, writing,
and speaking, language is considered a skill subject.
It was evidenced that is important to make a lesson plan according to the career to develop
a language or vocabulary specific to their area of study. Additionally, the most efficient
lesson plan is related to knowledge since it develops correlated lessons around a particular
topic. Furthermore, the activities should be carried out to learn vocabulary and particular
skills according to the student’s area of study. Attention should be paid to the needs of the
students and not to learning grammatical rules since the objective is they learn the language
in order to be able to use it in their career especiality.
ESP in Medicine is to learn English as a second or foreign language. For both doctors and
any type of health professional, the English language is needed in their academic and
professional life. And, ESP is a basic tool regardless of the field of Tourism which is
important for a professional in the sector since it is the language accepted as an international
language of communication. And, ESP for Economics is one of the most common nowadays.
Revista Social Fronteriza ISSN: 2806-5913 | doi: 10.59814/resofro.2024.4(1)e177
It is focused on learning specific terminology acquisition according to the advances of the
area around the world.
2. Development
English for Specific Purposes (Esp)
English for Specific Purposes (ESP), which first gained popularity in the early 1960s, is
now among the most well-known subfields of EFL instruction. Its growth may be seen in the
rise in ESP courses available to international students in English-speaking nations as well as
the number of universities providing in ESP. For example, The University of Birmingham
and Aston University in the UK (Johns, 2012).
ESP is a methodology based on the learner’s purpose for learning. It refers to language
research and instruction that focuses on the specific communicative needs and practices of
particular social groups. In the years since, it has consistently been at the cutting edge of both
theory development and innovative practice in applied linguistics, making a significant
contribution to our understanding of the varied ways language is used in communities. Hamp
and Lyons (2002), mentioned that ESP has consistently provided grounded insights into the
structures and meanings of texts, the demands placed by academic or workplace contexts on
communicative behaviors, and the pedagogic practices by which these behaviors can be
developed (Hyland, 2007).
English for Academic Purposes
The term English for Academic Purposes (EAP) encompasses the study and teaching of
language that focuses on the communicative needs and practices of individuals working in
academic settings. As such, it covers a range of activities, from the design of listening
materials to the description of a doctoral dissertation defense, and although it is often referred
to as practical questions, it does more than just prepare learners for learning English, it also
includes understanding the English language. The type of literacy found at the academy.
Thus, EAP is a branch of applied linguistics consisting of a major research group concerned
with effective teaching and assessment, describing the linguistic and discursive structure of
academic texts, and analyzing scholars' textual practices (Hyland & Shaw, 2016). It is a field
Revista Social Fronteriza ISSN: 2806-5913 | doi: 10.59814/resofro.2024.4(1)e177
that has witnessed fast expansion and development over the past thirty years. The term EAP
appears to have been coined by Tim Johns in 1974 and first appeared in a 1977 collection of
articles edited by Cowie and Heaton (Herrando, 2006)
According to Hyland (2006) even though EAP was seen at its inception as using English in
a rather unglamorous and commercially focused manner, as EAP has progressed it has been
focused on innovative scientific education.
Academic Journals ( considers it is a need to take account
what the EAP objectives are: -Establish assessment criteria according to internationally
established norms and standards to evaluate learning scientific English; - Testing with and
apply new innovative strategies to the teaching and learning process of scientific English; -
Create specific activities for the development of reading, writing, listening and speaking
skills in scientific English; - Look for new written materials, books, worksheets, tests, and
scientific documents, to support students improve their English language skills in different
sciences; - Give an efficient career guidance to students and educators to read, write and
create scientific articles in English; - Use technological sources for student achievement in
science and English language.
Methodologies to Teach ESP
English for Specific Purposes, (ESP) has a student-centered approach with the aim of meeting
the needs in any educational or professional context. ESP is most effective when it makes
use of the methodology in students who combine work with their studies, it is adapting to the
needs of the students and their interests (Ramos, 2018). ESP teachers are focused on
designing specific courses to meet individual needs, using the methodology of other content
subjects to obtain a perfect combination that integrates language learning approaches and
subject learning approaches (Wang, 2007) . The ESP course uses ICT tools, providing
students with the necessary tools to be able to interact with their peers, tries to promote
autonomous work, and, finally, establishes continuous evaluation to observe the progression
of the student, through different tests, both written and oral production. In this way, it is
intended to effectively assess the level of language required during the course (Escobar &
Ibánez, 2018).
Revista Social Fronteriza ISSN: 2806-5913 | doi: 10.59814/resofro.2024.4(1)e177
Use pair work and group work to minimize the stress of speaking in front of the
class, for example, through pyramid discussion.
Structure the task, i.e., introduce the task, remove hurdles, give clear instruction,
concept checking, demonstrate the task, run the activity, close the activity and give
Give time to think and do, listen to the learners, ask questions, give enough time to
think and answer, and allow them to complete.
Emphasis on the process rather than the product as the correct answer is not the
most important issue but getting the answer is important.
Include fun, variations, and varieties.
Avoid monotonous and mechanical teaching.
English for Occupation Purposes EOP
EOP teaching is a mixture of English language knowledge and skills, and cross- cultural
knowledge and skills. This combination allows for satisfying the demand of society and the
needs of students. In this regard, the methods, strategies, and techniques used in an EOP
class must fit students' needs. Consequently, it is essential to carry out a need analysis
process before starting an EOP course. According to some investigations, the teaching
methods that can be used in an EOP class are the Discussion-based Teaching Method,
Task-based Teaching Method, and so on (Pei, 2017)
To develop this formative researching was taken account three types of Careers which need
a specific usage of English. The students of Medicine should focus in the usage of English
to maintain their knowledge according to the advances of this science. Students of Economics
need to know which are the terms and changes in the economical world to present an effective
knowledge about the area. And, Tourism is an area which the students should manage
effectively the language according the type of tourists from another countries they should
take contact.
Revista Social Fronteriza ISSN: 2806-5913 | doi: 10.59814/resofro.2024.4(1)e177
The student should find pleasure to use English language, this is the first purpose of learning
about this language, students in general try to know “why they have been learning
something”. According this, one question which is so important to answer is “Why to study
English” and the answer to allow explaining what is the aim that English is part of the
curriculum in a obligatory way in Ecuador and the objective should be that teaching learning
process must be effective in the careers because this process will provide to students tools to
obtain information about scientific advances. Tenelanda et al (2022) cite to Cathy Larson,
and present a reason and this is that students should connect with experiences and theory to
real practice about got scientific knowledge.
According to Vera Carrasco (2021), Medicine is a field of work in which many scientific and
non-scientific disciplines converge. And there are many different ways to contribute to
Medicine. Furthermore León Barua and Berendson Seminario (1996), in their work mention
that Medicine has been commonly defined as the science whose object is the preservation
and restoration of health, the art of preventing, caring for, and assisting in the cure of disease,
or the science of curing and preventing disease. Medicine was used as a career which needs
to provide to medical students information from English according Kang (2004) who
considers that learning English is fundamental for medical students because all medicine
information is found in English language. It is presented in books, articles, documents and
journals are in English language.
Revista Social Fronteriza ISSN: 2806-5913 | doi: 10.59814/resofro.2024.4(1)e177
The economy is the system of production, distribution, exchange, and consumption of goods
and services in a particular geographic region or country. It involves the allocation of
resources to meet the needs and wants of society, and encompasses various sectors including
agriculture, manufacturing, trade, finance, and transportation. The study of economics is
concerned with how individuals, businesses, and governments make decisions about how to
use scarce resources to satisfy unlimited wants (Obstfeld, 2017). The students who learn
about this career will need to know what are the content of different criteria in the world
about about he manage of economy in the countries and English will be an effective tool to
comprehend the changes about economy, its advances and problems.
Due to cultural and language barriers to which face all corporations, it is of paramount
importance that people who execute commercial transactions can have a common language
through which they can communicate with their peers in other cultures. a man of Ecuadorian
business is likely to communicate with his peer Japanese in English. For most world markets,
the main sources of valuable information on resources financiers - Time and Newsweek
magazines, CNN and the Wall Street Journal - are in English (Freire, 2016).
According to the author Tribe (2009), Tourism is the study of an intended human activity
from their usual habit, an action that promotes communication and connection between
people, both within and outside the territory of the country. It entails the temporary
movement of people from one place to another, from one nation to another, with the goal of
satisfying requirements rather than the accomplishment of remunerated labor.
It is assumed that the international and cultural influence of English is of vital importance
due to foreigners who visit tourist destinations, in this sense the specialists of this area work
in the offer and promotion of tourist services, in order to attract new markets and regulate the
season of visitors, hikers, tourists who contribute to the global economy, in addition tourism
brings continuous improvements to professional training and the development of university
educational plans, especially in tourism and related careers, which is why the teaching of
English for specific purposes should be focused, so it is the language of communication most
used by tourists (Sanchez & Calle, 2015)
Revista Social Fronteriza ISSN: 2806-5913 | doi: 10.59814/resofro.2024.4(1)e177
3. Metodology
Developing this article was focused in the usage of methodology as qualitative approach
which refers to the systematic description of variables and phenomena to generate and clarify
conceptual categories, discover and validate associations between phenomena (Quecedo &
Castaño, 2002). The study tried getting books, didactic material to know what are useful to
include in the lesson plans in each subject. This type of approach is a flexible design, which
does not require statistical management, since it is structure-oriented more to the process than
to obtain results (Monje Álvarez, 2011). According to Sullivan and Sargeant (2011),
qualitative method in education tries to uncover how learning takes place.
Second step was focused in this project on descriptive approach which design involves
collecting and analyzing data in order to describe and summarize the characteristics of a
phenomenon in this study, it was developed to obtain data about what the methodologies can
be used by the prospective teachers in careers as Medicicne, Economics or Tourism to solve
the needs of studentes according each specialization. The primary goal of descriptive
approach is to describe and explain the distribution, relationship, and patterns of variables,
without making any causal inference or predictions (Dulock, 1993).
Third step was the usage of another element which is bibliographical researching to obtain
information about the different areas as Medicine, Tourism and Economics and the
methodologies, tools, material which can be used in the construction of lesson plans through
the usage of ESP. Therefore, according to Boon (2017), bibliographical research is any type
of study that needs data to be acquired from published sources. These resources might be
more conventional ones like books, magazines, journals, newspapers, and reports, but they
could also be electronic sources like audio and video recordings, movies, and online sources
such as websites, blogs, and bibliographical databases.
The documental research allowed to know what the conceptualizations are presented in
different countries related the needs of college students, according to Lodhi et al. (2018),
ESP courses should developed based on students needs and purposes, the methodologies
which can be used are content-based and problem-based learning because they could be
applied to solve the communicative purposes and technological instructions would be
implemented by grammar translation method, and the most important tool is the application
Revista Social Fronteriza ISSN: 2806-5913 | doi: 10.59814/resofro.2024.4(1)e177
of a need´s analysis of the students related to the specific area of specialization.
According to Ria & Malik (2020) Economics should be taught through ESP due Business
English is a branch of ESP and this one is the way that the students learn English based on
their needs of the specific fields as Engineering, Nursing, Medicine, they are different fields
and English content will be different because each discipline needs specific material, specific
vocabulary.Taiwan is a touristic country which revenues of traveling represented in 2018
about 137 billion US dollars, the major of tourists are from China, Hong Kong, Japan,
Korean, the United States, European countries, and Southeast Asian countries. The Tourism
students must manage English speaking skill in an effective way to communicate to travelers
and offer a successful service. Ho (2020).
4. Results
The student groups developed one lesson plan for each career Medicine, Tourism and Economics, as a
result of the revision of bibliography, materials, tools, videos to construct them. The structure of each
lesson plan is: General Information, General Overview of the Activity, Learning outcomes and Activities.
The process which was followed to develop the lesson plans. Firstly, the theoretical framework
developed during the review was read and understood to identify the type of methodology and lesson plans
to be used. Secondly, for the area of Medicine, a previous analysis of the syllabuses of this career was
carried out to select the topics for the lesson plans. Additionally, a book focused on teaching Medicine
through English was sought, and the book "Medical English Clear and Simple" was located. Thirdly,
specific medical web pages were used for the activities of each skill, which facilitated the effective creation
of a lesson plan.
To focus on the area of Tourism, it was started by looking for a tourism book and developing the lesson
plans. In this sense, a prior reviewing of the tourism syllabuses was conducted to select the topics for them.
In addition, a book focused on teaching tourism English was sought, and the book “Oxford English for
Careers- Tourism 1-Student Book” was located. Third, specific tourism pages were used for the activities
of each skill, which aided in the creation of a lesson plan.
To construct the lesson plan for Economics. It was selected an Economics syllabus and the level of the
class. Afterwards, it was looked up an appropriate topic. Then, the specific learning objectives for that
class should be established, which should be clear, measurable, and realistic.
Once the learning objectives were established, it was followed with the skills involved in each step
of the development of the class, as well as the necessary didactic materials, such as textbooks, articles,
videos, graphs, and case studies. Then, the teaching methodology was chosen according to the
Revista Social Fronteriza ISSN: 2806-5913 | doi: 10.59814/resofro.2024.4(1)e177
learning objectives, the topic, and the skills to be used, e.g., practical activities, group discussions,
presentations, etc. Finally, it was made a list of the bibliographical references and resources that were
used for the design of the Medicine, Tourism and Economics lesson plans.
Topic:The Musculoskeletal
This unit on “The Musculoskeletal system” is designed to develop a comprehensive
understanding of the structure and function of the human body. The learning experience
will be dynamic and multi-faceted, with opportunities to develop skills in writing,
listening, reading, and speaking. Through lectures, group discussions, and hands-on
activities, students will gain an in-depth knowledge of the systems of the body and how
they interact to maintain health and support life. Students will be challenged to critically
analyze information and effectively communicate their understanding, both orally and in
writing. The focus on active learning and skill development will provide students with a
strong foundation in anatomy and physiology, as well as valuable transferable skills for
future academic and professional pursuits.
The sequence of lesson and suggested time frames means a guide only because teachers
should pace lessons following the individual learning needs of their class.
Age group
20-21 years old.
Grade level:
2nd year of Medicine
Proficiency level:
Class size:
26 students
two-hours lesson plans
The Musculoskeletal System
Anatomy and Physiology: How can we apply this concept?
Students will develop their skill as speaking, and writing skills by
activating their knowledge and taking into account an important topic
which is “Anatomy and Physiology”
Revista Social Fronteriza ISSN: 2806-5913 | doi: 10.59814/resofro.2024.4(1)e177
Students will understand the basic concepts of anatomy and
physiology, including the structure and function of different systems in
the human body.
The present lesson plan integrates the four macro skills reading,
listening, speaking and writing
LESSON 1: Anatomy and Physiology
Learning outcomes:
-Students will understand the basic concepts of anatomy
-Students will understand the basic concepts of physiology,
-Students will understand the structure and function of different systems in the human body
Speaking and
Warm-up: What do we know about the topic?
Step 1: Begin the lesson by asking the students
what they already know about anatomy and
physiology. Write their answers on the whiteboard
for discussion.
Step 2: Explain what anatomy and physiology are
and their importance in the field of medicine.
Step 3: Show some visual aids or videos to give
the students a better understanding of the topic.
Audio or
visual aids
15 min
Listening and
Step 1: The teacher plays this video clip in order
to discuss the different systems in the human
body (circulatory, respiratory, digestive, etc.)
Step 2: Ask the students to listen carefully and
take notes on the key points discussed.
Step 3: After the video, ask the students to share
what they learned and write their key points to the
25 min
Reading, Writing
and Speaking
Step 1: The teacher divides the class into small
groups and provides them with a worksheet
according to the topic.
Step 2: Ask the students to read a case presented in
50 min
Revista Social Fronteriza ISSN: 2806-5913 | doi: 10.59814/resofro.2024.4(1)e177
Elaborated by: Group 2: Dayana Bonifaz, Lourdes Guamarica, Dayanna Jácome, Diana Molina, Katherine
Topic: Tourism in the worl
This unit on “Tourism in the world is created as a social, cultural, and economic
phenomenon that entails the movement of people to countries or places outside their usual
environment for personal or business/professional purposes. This unit is excellent for
pre-work students with pre-intermediate to upper-intermediate English skills who
students will need to utilize English in job circumstances in a realistic and communicative
practice of the language skills needed in tourism. The sessions are essential for tourism
students due to, it builds vocabulary, language, and skills (writing, listening, reading, and
speaking) through interesting activities necessary for students to interact successfully,
both orally and in writing with clients and coworkers, whether in an administrative or
management job. The emphasis on active learning and skill development will allow
students to learn about tourism in the world.
Age group
20-21 years old.
Grade level:
2nd year of Medicine
Proficiency level:
Class size:
26 students
two-hours lesson plans
Tourism in the world
What is tourism?
a text. Read carefully and answer the quiz below.
Step 3: After the students have finished, review
the answer with the whole class.
Step 4: Using the vocabulary provided in the
reading, students write a short paragraph
explaining the topic main points.
Step 5: The students will share their paragraphs
with the whole class. The listeners will take notes
about the ideas presented.
(pencils or
Revista Social Fronteriza ISSN: 2806-5913 | doi: 10.59814/resofro.2024.4(1)e177
Students will develop their skill as: speaking, writing skills by
activating their knowledge and taking into account an important topic
which is “What is tourism?”
Students will understand the concept of tourism and could describe
different jobs in tourism, job skills, job routines, and the tourism
industry today.
The following lesson plan integrates the four macro skills such as
reading, listening, speaking, and writing
LESSON 1: What is tourism?
Learning outcomes:
- Students will know the different kinds of jobs in tourism.
- Students will learn about different job routines.
- Students will learn the description of adjectives for job skills.
Materials and
Warm-up: What kind of jobs in tourism do you
Step 1: At the beginning of the class, the teacher will
ask the students what they already know about
tourism and the jobs that exist in this profession. Each
student will go to the board and write their answers
in one word for discussion.
Step 2: Explain what tourism is
Step 3: Show some visual aids or videos to give the
students a better understanding of the topic.
Audio or
visual aids
15 min
and Writing
Step 1: The teacher presents the worksheets about
histories of jobs from different people.
Step 2: Ask students to understand what kind of job
each person has in the field of tourism.
Step 3: After the lecture, ask the students to share the
summary of what they learned about the lecture.
25 min
Step 1: The teacher divides the class into small
50 min
Revista Social Fronteriza ISSN: 2806-5913 | doi: 10.59814/resofro.2024.4(1)e177
Writing and
groups and presents the video according to the topic.
Step 2: The students create a graphic organizer about
the video
Step 3: After the students have finished, each group
presents their work.
Step 4: Using the vocabulary provided before the
activity, students have to write a short paragraph
explaining the topic's main points.
Step 5: The students will share their paragraphs with
the whole class. The listeners will take notes about
the ideas presented
(pencils or
Post Task
Step 1: In the same groups, students have to create a
role play about the present topic.
Step 2: Each group presents the role play with their
Step 3: Remember that for the presentation there
should be a vocabulary of tourism.
Step 4: The rest of the class give comments or
suggestions about the role plays presented
(pencils or
30 min
Elaborated by: Group 5: Micaela De La Torre, Janneth Lliquin, Lesslie Rojas, Melissa Velásquez, Johana
Topic: Understanding
International Trade Introduction
Welcome to this ESP (English for Specific Purposes) lesson plan that will
cover the key topics of International Trade, Macroeconomics, and
Corporate Finance. In this unit, we will explore the terminology and
language used in the business world to communicate about these essential
fields. As English is the language of international business, understanding
the language of these fields is crucial for individuals who work in the
global marketplace. Through this unit, we will delve into the fundamental
concepts of international trade, macroeconomics, and corporate finance,
with a focus on how they relate to the international business environment.
By the end of this unit, you will have gained a comprehensive
understanding of the essential vocabulary, concepts, and practices of
international trade, macroeconomics, and corporate finance, which will
allow you to effectively communicate and engage in business activities in
an English-speaking context.
Age group:
18-20 years old.
Grade level:
1st Semester of Economics Career
Revista Social Fronteriza ISSN: 2806-5913 | doi: 10.59814/resofro.2024.4(1)e177
Proficiency level:
Class size:
25 students
two-hours lesson plans
General Overview of the Activity
Lesson name:
Understanding International Trade
Lesson theme:
What is understanding International Trade?
Learning outcome of the lesson
Students will develop their oral and written expression by activating
their critical thinking skills, considering the important topic of "
Understanding International Trade
Objectives of the lesson
To look for specific information and compare ideas about understanding
International Trade
. The present lesson plan integrates the four macro skills reading,
listening, speaking, and writing
Revista Social Fronteriza ISSN: 2806-5913 | doi: 10.59814/resofro.2024.4(1)e177
LESSON 1: Understanding International Trade
Learning outcomes:
- Describe the concept of international trade and its benefits.
- Explain the factors that influence international trade.
- Analyze the impact of international trade on the global economy.
- Identify the main participants in international trade
Materials and
Speaking and
Warm up.
Step 1: Start by asking students if they have ever heard of
the term "international trade."
Step 2: Write the definition of international trade on the
board: "International trade refers to the exchange of goods,
services, and capital across international borders. "Ask
students if they have ever purchased something made in
another country and ask for examples.
Step 3: Explain that international trade has become
increasingly important in recent years, and that in this
lesson they will learn more about its benefits, challenges,
and impact on the global economy.
- Picture
- Board
- Pen
- Markets
15 min
Listening and
Step 1: Use a PowerPoint presentation, handouts, or
videos to explain the following key concepts related to
international trade:
Benefits of international trade: increased competition,
access to new markets, improved efficiency and
productivity, and reduced costs for consumers.
Factors that influence international trade: exchange rates,
tariffs, and trade barriers, cultural and legal differences
The impact of international trade on the global economy:
the creation of jobs, increase in foreign investment, and
growth in trade between countries.
The main participants in international trade:
manufacturers, wholesalers, retailers, and consumers.
25 min
Step 2: Use interactive examples and activities to help
students understand these concepts, such as role-playing
activities where students take on the role of different
participants in international trade.
The learners analyze a video and take notes
Revista Social Fronteriza ISSN: 2806-5913 | doi: 10.59814/resofro.2024.4(1)e177
Writing and
Step 1: Divide students into small groups and have them
work together to analyze a current event related to
international trade.
Step 2: Provide each group with a news article or case
study about a current issue in international trade, such as a
trade dispute between two countries or a new trade
Step 3: Have students work together to answer questions
about the article or case study, such as:
What are the benefits and challenges of the situation?
How will the situation impact international trade and the
global economy?
What can be done to resolve the issue?
Have each group present their findings to the class.
Step 4: Give students a handout with a series of questions
related to international trade, such as:
What is the difference between a tariff and a quota?
How do exchange rates impact international trade?
What are the benefits of international trade for businesses
and consumers?
Have students work independently to answer the questions
and then discuss their answers as a class
materials (pencils
or pens)
50 min
Step 1: Summarize the key concepts covered in the lesson,
including the benefits and challenges of international trade
and its impact on the global economy.
Step 2: Ask students if they have a better understanding of
international trade and if they see its importance in our
daily lives.
Step 3: Ask students to think about a product they own
that was made in another country and discuss the role that
international trade played in bringing that product to them.
-Writing paper
30 min
Revista Social Fronteriza ISSN: 2806-5913 | doi: 10.59814/resofro.2024.4(1)e177
Formative assessment: During the class discussion and
group presentation, assess students' understanding of the
concepts related to international trade.
Summative assessment: The handout with questions
related to international trade can be used as a written
assessment to gauge students' understanding of the
Elaborated by: Group 6: Susana Rojas, Anthony Ruano, Erick Colcha, Josué Condo
Revista Social Fronteriza ISSN: 2806-5913 | doi: 10.59814/resofro.2024.4(1)e177
5. Discussion
The problems of implementing ESP as a part of the curriculum, it is necessary to propose
repositioning ESP at the center of an English program, so that will be used full resources as
its staff, materials, book and time. In this context, the prospective teachers will have an idea
how to organize the lesson plan to classes. They could have a guide for creating and
implementing ESP courses, they can be divided among faculty, with individuals working on
smaller, easy-to-complete tasks. (Bhatia, et all, 2011).
For planning a course of medical English, objectives have to be stated in advance for the
learners in order to analyze their needs and abilities. Therefore, the prospective professor
should plan the objectives according to the level of the learners. One of the main concepts of
linguistics is discourse analysis since discourse is a matter of how tne topic and the practical
activities are used to achieve and effective learning. (Djaileb, 2018).
The tourism students need to dominate the usage of tourist vocabulary, so that the students
should manage a practical and specific vocabulary related to tourism, the usage of vocabulary
related to specialization is a need, the language that they are going to use will be real and
practical according to the situations to communicate with the customers. (Fajardo & Tello,
6. Conclusions
At the end of this Formative Research project, it is assumed that ESP is the teaching of
English for vocational, academic, and professional purposes. On the other hand, construct
the structure of a lesson plan is part of the prospective teacher’s activities to effectively
develop his or her class. In addition, it is important to make the lesson plan according to the
career to develop a language or vocabulary specific to their area of study.
Through the scientific reviews was possible to find several types of lesson plans that are
developed according to the needs of the students. The researching that was carried out has
let to conclude that the most efficient lesson plan is the one related to knowledge since it
develops correlated lessons around a particular topic. This type of plan focuses on developing
and understanding and analysis of the topic.
Revista Social Fronteriza ISSN: 2806-5913 | doi: 10.59814/resofro.2024.4(1)e177
The prospective teacher should use within the development of the lesson plan, activities
which carried out to learn vocabulary and particular skills according to the student’s area of
study and not only to learn grammar or general english. In other words, in an ESP class,
attention should be paid to the objective which is to learn the language in order to be able to
use it in their careers and scientific needs.
According to the bibliographical reviews to apply English for Specific Purposes ESP, the
prospective teacher should focus on creating a lesson plan tailored to incorporate activities
that simulate real-world scenarios or job tasks in order to better engage the students and
promote learning.
The prospective teachers should use the knowledge-based lesson plan as it focuses on
developing an understanding and analysis of a topic. Besides, it may be beneficial to
incorporate activities that promote the application of the knowledge acquired in different
scenarios according the specialization to maximize learning.
Declaration of Conflicts of Interests:
No potential conflict of interest was reported
Authors' Contribution Statement and Acknowledgments
Maria Mercedes Gallegos Núñez. Research, Formal analysis, Methodology, Writing-review. Mónica
Noemí Cadena Figueroa.: Research, Formal analysis, Methodology, Writing-review.
The authors thank to the students of Eighth Semester of Pedagogía de los Idiomas Nacionales y
Extranjeros Career about their engaged work to present this formative researching project.
Group 1: Anabell Apo, Cristina Tinitana, Evelyn Yupangi, Lady Zhunaula, Mishel Zurita who
developed the Abstract, General and Specific Objectives, Introduction, Conclusions, References,
Final Report.
Group 2: Dayana Bonifaz, Lourdes Guamarica, Dayanna Jácome, Diana Molina, Katherine
Sampedro; Group 5: Micaela De La Torre, Janneth Lliquin, Lesslie Rojas, Melissa Velásquez, Johana
Yambay; and, Group 6: Susana Rojas, Anthony Ruano, Erick Colcha, Josué Condo who developed
Group 3: Diego Chacha, Alejandra Huaraca, Manuel Pacto, Selene Ramos and Group 4: Erica
Guamantaqui, Daysi Figueroa, Estefanía Malan, María Fernanda Mora, Naomi Narváez who
Revista Social Fronteriza ISSN: 2806-5913 | doi: 10.59814/resofro.2024.4(1)e177
developed Theoretical Framework of Project.
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