Hardness test on composite made from fibers and natural binders.





Fibers, tests, hardness, regulations.


The hardness test includes a mixture of fiber and natural binder for use in decorative tapestries, it comes out of necessity to use the resources that we have in nature in a way that allows the use of natural fibers, often waste in various industries, and therefore the use of a certain type of natural binder. Integrated development is important for use by an organization or industry have a great price principle, which not only saves but also contributes or contributes to the reduction of environmental pollution. Develop research with a mixed approach, data collection, quantitative and qualitative information provided by other authors on similar topics. That's why we achieve results based on specific goals. Selected natural fibers act as fiber and natural binders are used as matrix for compound growth, powder used to make binders. 45% wheat, 40% water and 15% white vinegar, and this is mixed with fiber, in turn coconut, truss, abacus and pineapple are selected. Choosing fiber for the development of the composite is done using four types of configurations between fibers that finally determined that the best ingredient had a mixture of coconut, solid fiber and pineapple.


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How to Cite

Palma Loor, L. A. ., Quispe Macías , S. D. ., & Palacios Pérez, F. G. . (2023). Hardness test on composite made from fibers and natural binders. Border Social Journal, 3(5), 63–76. https://doi.org/10.59814/resofro.2023.3(5)63-76

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