Hardness test on composite made from fibers and natural binders.





Composite, fibers, natural binders, traction, tests


The present investigation consists of the elaboration of composite from fibers and natural binders to carry out the tensile test, this arises from the need to take advantage of the natural resources that we have in nature in a main way that allows the use of natural fibers. Which are often waste generated in different industries and in turn the use of a type of natural binder. Composites offer superior mechanical properties by combining different components, making them ideal for a wide range of applications in various industries. In particular, the use of natural fibers and binders in the manufacture of composites has gained attention due to its potential to create more sustainable and environmentally friendly materials. The elaboration of the composite is considered important, so for an organization or industry its use is quite fundamental regarding prices, allowing not only saving money but also contributing or contributing to the reduction of environmental pollution. The fibers and natural binders to be used as a matrix for the elaboration of the composite. The creation of the binder was carried out using 45% wheat flour, 40% water and 15% white vinegar and this in turn is mixed with the selected fibers being coconut, raft, abaca and pineapple. The selection of the fibers for the elaboration of the composite was carried out by means of four types of configuration between fibers that in the end it was possible to determine that the best composition has the composite made from coconut, raft, pineapple and abaca fibers.


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How to Cite

Iniquinga Guevara, I. D. ., Romero Romero , D. A. ., & Palacios Pérez, F. G. . (2023). Hardness test on composite made from fibers and natural binders. Border Social Journal, 3(5), 108–123. https://doi.org/10.59814/resofro.2023.3(5)108-123

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