Positive psychology applied in technological institutions
Firearm; Legalization; Carriage; Population; ViolenceAbstract
Psychology applied to educational technological institutions implies highlighting that in addition to thinking about the physical well-being of students; Today it also has to do with their social and mental well-being. Among the paradigms that psychology has proposed, a new way of analyzing human experiences and turning them into potential experiences, called positive psychology, stands out. To conduct this study, a descriptive design was used, under a bibliographic approach, including systematic reviews of scientific literature. Resolving that this innovative approach, proposes as a central idea, the application in the educational units to consider another look of psychology, which focuses, not only on the concern to repair the worst things in people's lives, but also on building positive qualities. Through this new paradigm, emotions are understood and understood to increase strengths and virtues, promote student potential and the pursuit of student academic excellence.
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