Effects on the population of firearm legalization
Firearms, Legalization, Carriage, Population, ViolenceAbstract
A controversial issue in society is the legalization of the carrying or possession of firearms by civilians. The impact of firearms is more easily seen in conflict and crime because of the magnitude of homicides and other violent deaths. However, there are less visible and therefore more difficult to measure and often more lasting consequences that need understanding to prevent, reduce and eliminate violence associated with firearms. The objective of this study is to analyze the effects on the population on the legalization of firearms. The research is developed in a descriptive way with a qualitative approach, through a bibliographic review (documentary analysis, individual and collective in-depth interviews, discussion groups, observations and field notes) other review articles. The results highlight that having firearms in the home or community increases the risk of injury and death from domestic violence, suicide, homicide and accidents. Concluding that between arguments for and against legalization, it is the result of the right to self-defense, public safety, control of the illegal arms trade and the risk of accident or misuse.
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