Evaluation of competencies after the development of scientific research in teachers of the National University Chimborazo in the Initial Education career.
Evaluation, skills, development, research, scientific.Abstract
The objective of this study was to evaluate the competencies after the development of scientific research in occasional and tenured teachers of the Initial Education Career at the National University of Chimborazo. The methodology is described with a qualitative approach, non-experimental, field design, and descriptive scope. The population was made up of 16 teachers. The sampling used was census type. The information of interest was used using the survey technique, and as an instrument, a questionnaire that used a three-phase model with a 5-point Likert-type scale was used. Phase three of the research consists of 22 questions/statements, the same that 37.50% almost always draw up a focused plan to collect information from different sources, 37.50 almost always use some software and statistical techniques to perform data analysis, 50% almost always critically analyze and interpret the data, almost always, which corresponds to 56.25% who confirm their knowledge on the given topic by obtaining the opinion or point of view of an expert (through individual interviews, email, telephone and other means). Compiled, 43.75% almost always present a manuscript for publication, 37.50 indicate that they almost always have the skills to write a professional report supported with tables, hey ensure that due recognition is given to the source of my information, and 37.50 always know how to identify the characteristics and impact factor of a journal, program Initial Education has developed the necessary skills to carry out research, however, there is a need to strengthen and update them.
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