Homelessness and Public Policy: Assistance or Social Reintegration?





Person experiencing; Stigmatization; homelessness; social reintegration; welfarism; public policies; restoration of rights..



Investigated about the personal experiences of the actors linked with the Street Habitability phenomenon, from inhabit perspective and the officials who provide support for the reinsertion. This to determine, if the actions that institutions provide to allows reintegration to the civil life or are limited to healthcare service.

For this purpose, interviews has been carried out semi-structured, focused personal histories by the actors; two officials from Secretary of social integration, an IDIPRON oficial and two Street habitability. These interviews were conducted in audio format, which were later transcribed. The voyant Tools was also used, this as part of the categorization exercise. It is necessary to investigate, in the actions of public politics, applied to the  phenomenon of Street habitability to determine, if it is welfare or tends towards social reintegration. This in order to monitor their restitution of rights and his resignation as subject.


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How to Cite

Guerrero Guevara, J. E. . (2024). Homelessness and Public Policy: Assistance or Social Reintegration?. Border Social Journal, 4(2), e42188. https://doi.org/10.59814/resofro.2024.4(2)188