Inclusive education in times of crisis




Crisis, inclusive education, equity, teacher training, technology


The present study carried out in the country of Ecuador aims to explore the crucial importance of inclusive education in crisis situations, addressing the challenges and opportunities that arise in this context. A mixed methodological approach is employed, integrating a comprehensive literature review of academic sources and specific case analyses that illustrate the challenges and successful strategies in the implementation of inclusive education in times of crisis. The study's findings reveal the imperative need to strengthen the training and education of Ecuadorian teachers in inclusive practices, as well as the importance of ensuring equitable access to educational technologies to support students in Ecuador with diverse needs. Additionally, collaboration among various stakeholders, including educational institutions, civil society organizations, and government entities, is identified as a fundamental factor in promoting inclusive education in crisis contexts. In conclusion, the importance of inclusive education that recognizes and values diversity in all its forms is emphasized, promoting welcoming and adaptive educational environments for all students. There is a strong recommendation for the strengthening of teacher training in inclusive strategies, ensuring equitable access to educational resources, and fostering inter-institutional collaboration as fundamental pillars for achieving inclusive education in times of crisis.


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How to Cite

Vinueza Guamán, F. D. ., Lindao González, L. S. ., Salazar Jiménez, M. A. ., & Alvaro Hernández, S. del R. . (2024). Inclusive education in times of crisis. Border Social Journal, 4(2), e42226.

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