Risk associated with classic dengue fever in inhabitants of the canton Milagros Ecuador





Classic dengue; risk factors; health control; urban population.


Dengue is a growing problem for global Public Health, according to WHO data, 2.5 billion people of the world population are at risk of contracting the disease, each year there are 500,000 hospitalizations for dengue with a fatality rate that can exceed 20%. The main objective was based on determining the risk factors that influence classic dengue in inhabitants of the sub-urban areas of Cantón Milagro, Ecuador. The study design was applicative, with a quantitative approach, and of a descriptive or observational type, with an ambispective cut. The results of this study showed that within the risk factors the deposit of water in bins is found in 31.6% and with 23.7% ponds of water, followed by old cans with accumulation of water with 21.1%, it was reflected with 78.9% of the inhabitants of the sub- urban sectors they do not have basic services. Within the conclusions, dengue is a disease that can only be controlled with the participation of the entire society and the municipal GADS.   Sanitary  control   must   be   strict   so  that   dengue   outbreaks  do   not   occur. Epidemiological silence should be avoided because it decreases the perception of risk that the population should have about this disease.


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How to Cite

Arana Carpio, . F. J. (2022). Risk associated with classic dengue fever in inhabitants of the canton Milagros Ecuador. Border Social Journal, 2(5), 1–19. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7030163