The importance of writing in the development of critical thinking


  • Larissa Estefania Gaona Imaicela Ministerio de Educación del Ecuador
  • Michael Geovanny Dutasaca Roche Ministerio de Educación del Ecuador
  • Gladys Fabiola Ruiz Moreno Ministerio de Educación del Ecuador
  • Monica Elizabeth Martinez Sangucho Ministerio de Educación del Ecuador



Writing, critical thinking, pedagogical action


The school must move towards a scenario of cognitive openness, where the student creates his or her own intellectual identity, capable of accessing his or her intrapsychic and exogenous reality; These characteristics determine not a disjunction, but an interconnection between reason, thought and experiences, since the teacher must promote consistent scenarios, where the student, based on his needs and interests, can develop an epistemic system, directed by writing. in educational facilities, oriented towards criticality as the guiding threshold of action and thought. This rhizome overcomes the existing crosstalk between education and reality, with this, learning emerges from a contextual interrelation, endowed with significant experiences, therefore, the objective is to analyze the importance of writing in the development of critical thinking. in the context of basic general education in Ecuador. This purpose assumes the theoretical nodes from the teaching action and metacognitive perspective located in the student.


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How to Cite

Gaona Imaicela, L. E. ., Dutasaca Roche , M. G. ., Ruiz Moreno, G. F. ., & Martinez Sangucho, M. E. . (2024). The importance of writing in the development of critical thinking. Border Social Journal, 4(2), e42251.

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