Impact from critical thinking of artificial intelligence as a tool for English learning.


  • Paulina Marlene Risueño Calahorrano Ministerio de Educación del Ecuador
  • Sylvia Jeanneth Torres Andrango Ministerio de Educación del Ecuador



Critical thinking; artificial intelligence; learning English.


The human being is an interconnected system of thoughts, reason and action, therefore, from the educational premises and pedagogical validity, the foundations of noesis must be pragmatized, not as a starch representative of patterns, but as a conscious synergy, whose criticality determines every epistemic conception; From this perspective, technological integrality must be directed, whose rise of Artificial Intelligence, potentiates the sapient identity of the knowing subject, thus decanting the awareness of the usefulness of the medium in the acquisition of the English language, since, through this interaction, it can be achieved. divergent learning scenarios, with which the heterogeneity of thinking styles is addressed, taking into account their connective validity. These notions allow us to establish as an objective, analyze the impact from critical thinking of artificial intelligence as a tool for learning English in the context of Basic General Education in Ecuador.


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How to Cite

Risueño Calahorrano, P. M., & Torres Andrango, S. J. (2024). Impact from critical thinking of artificial intelligence as a tool for English learning. Border Social Journal, 4(2), e42255.

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