‘Chronic laryngitis: Analysis.





chronic laryngitis; dysphonia; swallowing disorders; globus; laryngoscopy.


Chronic laryngitis, a condition marked by persistent inflammation of the larynx, manifests with symptoms such as dysphonia, chronic cough, dysphagia and globus. The condition is classified into two main forms: hypertrophic, characterized by an increase in the size of the vocal cords due to chronic irritation, and atrophic, which involves significant thinning and weakening of the vocal cords. The diagnosis of chronic laryngitis is established by a thorough medical evaluation, including a detailed physical examination, a complete review of the patient's medical history and specific tests such as laryngoscopy. Once the diagnosis is confirmed, the therapeutic approach is tailored according to the underlying cause, encompassing measures such as smoking cessation, reducing vocal abuse, minimizing exposure to environmental irritants and managing gastro-esophageal reflux. In addition, vocal therapy emerges as a beneficial strategy to improve vocal technique and reduce vocal cord tension, contributing to symptom recovery and patient wellbeing. It is essential to address chronic laryngitis in a comprehensive and timely manner, with an emphasis on preventing long-term complications and improving the patient's quality of life. This involves the implementation of preventive strategies, appropriate use of pharmacological therapeutic options and, in selected cases, consideration of surgical interventions within a multidisciplinary approach to achieve optimal clinical outcomes. This review highlights the importance of comprehensive management to effectively address the complexity of chronic laryngitis.


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How to Cite

Sacaquirin Zhunio, E. O., Moran Palomeque, A. E., Mogrovejo Valladarez, J. A., Rios Romero, K. A., & Urgiles Rolland, J. T. (2024). ‘Chronic laryngitis: Analysis. Border Social Journal, 4(3), e43257. https://doi.org/10.59814/resofro.2024.4(3)257



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