The technological Child of initial education: a challenge in understanding the letters of the alphabet.


  • Betty Lorena Erreyes Espinoza Unidad Educativa “Rotary Club Machala Moderno”
  • Colombia Germania Espinosa Morales Centro de Educación Inicial "Doralina Rivera Navarro”
  • Mercy Esperanza Elizondo Garzón Unidad Educativa “Rotary Club Machala Moderno”
  • Lucia Faviola Morillo Zambrano Unidad Educativa “Rotary Club Machala Moderno”



Technological child; early education; letters of the alphabet.


Initial education is one of the most important stages in school neurodevelopment. In it, readiness skills are learned within language, writing, mathematics, sociability and communication, such as that path of propaedeutic introspection; Here, the boy and girl are conceived within their age group, as an integral node of senses and meanings, through which education must be found, concurring with an interactive didactics based on the demands of the time, where interconnectivity, technological competencies They determine or mediate the way of learning, coupled with the skills acquired within the social inheritance by schoolchildren in the multiversal rise of knowledge. Therefore, the guiding objective is to characterize the theoretical sections of the technological child of initial education, as a challenge to the understanding of the letters of the alphabet in the Ecuadorian educational context.


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How to Cite

Erreyes Espinoza, B. L., Espinosa Morales , C. G., Elizondo Garzón, M. E., & Morillo Zambrano , L. F. (2024). The technological Child of initial education: a challenge in understanding the letters of the alphabet. Border Social Journal, 4(2), e42262.