Innovative Strategies to Strengthen Comprehensive Reading and Meaningful Writing: Pillars of Knowledge.


  • Ziddaner De Lourdes Terán Martínez U.E. Municipal "San Francisco de Quito"
  • Maria Beatriz Tituaña Manangón U.E. Municipal "San Francisco de Quito"
  • Sandra Verónica Rojas Landázuri U.E. Municipal "San Francisco de Quito"
  • Luis Anibal Sulca Cruz U.E. Municipal "San Francisco de Quito"



Innovative strategies; comprehensive reading; meaningful writing; pillars of knowledge.


The involvement of teaching action in the development of reading and writing is essential to promote comprehension and expression skills in students. Assuming innovation as a reticular node implies opening new forms of teaching that connect significantly with learning, generating a motivating and enriching environment. The educator's job, therefore, consists of closing the gaps that may inhibit the motivation of students, promoting creative strategies adapted to individual needs. The implementation of updated methodologies and the use of emerging resources can enhance the development of literacy, providing tools that stimulate interest and active participation. In this way, training action becomes a fundamental pillar for the comprehensive growth of students, promoting a culture of reading and writing that transcends the classroom and is reflected in their personal and academic development. In this way, the objective is to theoretically analyze the innovative strategies for strengthening comprehensive reading and meaningful writing as pillars of knowledge in the context of Basic General Education in Ecuador.


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How to Cite

Terán Martínez, Z. D. L., Tituaña Manangón, M. B., Rojas Landázuri, S. V., & Sulca Cruz, L. A. (2024). Innovative Strategies to Strengthen Comprehensive Reading and Meaningful Writing: Pillars of Knowledge. Border Social Journal, 4(3), e43272.



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