Design of good environmental practices in higher education.




Good environmental practices, Solid waste; Sustainable development.


The design of good environmental practices in higher education allows for the formulation and promotion of habits and actions in the educational community of the Luis Tello Higher Technological Institute related to the environmental aspects and impacts that it generates daily in the development of its activities. The objective of this study was to verify what the environmental aspects and impacts are, the practices that the institute has in sustainability and environmental education and also what programs have been developed in the last 2 years. A systematic review methodology was applied, of a qualitative - descriptive type, distributed in 3 phases, the first phase was a situation analysis and survey of the environmental aspects and impacts in handling and adequate management of waste, adequate management of the water resource, efficient use of energy and care of natural resources (ecological gardens). The second phase was the preparation of the manual of good environmental practices and the third phase was the planning of actions that are proposed to be carried out in the implementation of the manual and the preparation of the results, discussion and conclusion.


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How to Cite

Veliz Zambrano , N. A. ., & Troya Zamora , G. A. . (2024). Design of good environmental practices in higher education. Border Social Journal, 4(2), e42274.