Decision making based on financial analysis in the shrimp industry of Ecuador.




Analysis; Finance; Decisions; Yields.


The importance of financial analysis in decision making is considered a very relevant tool for senior management, since it allows reducing financial risk in aspects of investment and financing; For this reason, this study aims to describe the financial performance of companies in the shrimp sector that make their decisions based on financial analysis and compare it with those companies that do not apply any type of financial analysis; Through a review of the literature, financial theories were found that emphasize that through financial analysis future decisions can be made objectively and with a lower degree of uncertainty; The methodological design has a quantitative, descriptive, transversal approach, as a method documentary analysis was used in the financial statements of the companies that represented the respective sample; Two samples were established for convenience, where differences could be observed in the returns on their assets and equity in the two sample groups. The T test was applied to determine the differences in the means and their significance. Previously, a normality test was applied, and It was obtained that the data are normal and it resulted that there are differences in the means of both results, concluding that companies that make decisions through financial analysis obtain better returns than those that do not apply financial analysis.


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How to Cite

Apolinario Zatizabal, O. D., Bravo Bravo, Ángel O., Chagerben Salinas, L. E., & Durán Salazar, G. M. (2024). Decision making based on financial analysis in the shrimp industry of Ecuador. Border Social Journal, 4(3), e43290.

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