Painting as a Pedagogical Strategy in the Formation of Words in Early Childhood Education


  • Lourdes Leonor Alarcón Aguirre Escuela Profesora Sara Serrano de Maridueña
  • Mappy Graciela Bonilla Rivera Escuela Profesora Sara Serrano de Maridueña
  • Cecilia Isabel Vélez Torres Escuela Profesora Sara Serrano de Maridueña
  • Lupe Mercedes Torres Solórzano Escuela Héctor Encalado Sánchez



Painting, pedagogical strategy, word formation, initial education.


Education as a social principle implies the integration of various aspects in the training process. It is essential to articulate the development of the being, reason, thought, emotions and creativity, in order to promote a comprehensive education. This concatenation requires conscious practice, whose purpose is the formation of a creative identity and the progress of skills in the early stages of school. It is crucial to guarantee that teaching processes include graphic and plastic expression through art, in order to consolidate free and healthy writing in children. This approach seeks to promote autonomy, personal expression and the development of artistic skills from cognitive initiation, laying the foundations for comprehensive growth in students. Therefore, the objective is to analyze from a theoretical perspective the implication of painting as a pedagogical strategy in the formation of words in early education children in the Ecuadorian educational context.


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How to Cite

Alarcón Aguirre , L. L. . ., Bonilla Rivera , M. G. ., Vélez Torres, C. I. ., & Torres Solórzano , L. M. (2024). Painting as a Pedagogical Strategy in the Formation of Words in Early Childhood Education. Border Social Journal, 4(3), e43292.



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