Creative Strategies for Learning History in Basic General Education Students
Creative strategies, learning history, pedagogical action.Abstract
Education represents that horizon towards the discovery of being capable and aware of its own cognitive nature, but at the same time, it is that door that reunites the past with the present, generating a biome of understanding, where the boy, girl, adolescent, young person and the adult, can know the milestone of their national identity, interpreting that social, cultural and family heritage that precedes an evening past, impregnated with heroes and heroines, where, mediated by their conviction, they achieved the country they wanted; These independence feats nourish the will and civility of multiple generations, since, through education, the necessary means for the vindication, recognition and reconfiguration of the meaning and meaning of history must be focused. Based on these reasons, the objective is: to describe at a documentary level the incidences of creative strategies for learning history in basic general education students in Ecuador.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Lidia Victoria Vera Mosquera , Janett Elizabeth Vera Vélez, Narcisa Jessenia Alvarado Pilligua , Greys Marisol Patiño Guzmán
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