Productive credit in Ecuador and its relationship with the gross domestic product in the periods 2017 to 2022.




Evolution; shrimp industry; economic; financial.


In the present research study that deals with the economic and financial evolution of the shrimp industry in Ecuador in the periods between 2013 and 2022, the main objective was to analyze the shrimp industry from the economic-financial perspective and to make findings that validate the performance that can qualify the results of this industry, for that, a review of the literature was carried out on the proposed topic, defining as a population of interest the large companies in the sector that presented complete financial information in their financial statements, which were downloaded from the “information portal” page of the Superintendencia of Companies, to then apply a descriptive and correlational methodology, where the good moment of this industry in national and international markets was evident, being the first product with the greatest representation in the country's net exports, additionally, the evolution of assets was also correlated with profits, resulting in a positive relationship between both variables and with significance; Finally, it was concluded that the shrimp industry is growing and has attractive rates of return.


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How to Cite

Quintanilla Castellanos, J. D. P., Quintanilla Bonilla, A. J., Quintanilla Castellanos, J. S., & Luna Suárez, N. H. (2024). Productive credit in Ecuador and its relationship with the gross domestic product in the periods 2017 to 2022. Border Social Journal, 4(3), e43302.

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