The Formation of the Reading Habit: Strategic Alliance with Critical-Reflective Thinking




Training, reading habit, critical-reflective thinking.


Contemporary education faces the challenge of adapting to school demands in a digital environment that is generating gaps in reading. It is necessary to reorient pedagogical practices to promote the will and awareness of reading and literature, awakening habits that transcend the classroom. This will allow the articulation and development of critical, reflective and creative thinking in students. Its promotion should not only be seen as a school activity, but as a continuous process that is part of the integral development of individuals. It is essential that teachers take an active role in promoting reading, offering a variety of materials that arouse the interest of students. In this way, a more inclusive education adapted to the needs of today's world will be achieved, preparing students to face the challenges of the 21st century. Therefore, the objective is to describe the formation of the reading habit as a strategic alliance with critical-reflective thinking in the context of Basic General Education in Ecuador.


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How to Cite

González Mora, I. M. ., Herrera Herrera, A. O. ., Muñoz Cevallos, N. M. ., & Tupiza Allauca, E. P. . (2024). The Formation of the Reading Habit: Strategic Alliance with Critical-Reflective Thinking. Border Social Journal, 4(4), e44342.