Document management in the subcriterion of academic training within the self-evaluation process of the Instituto Superior Tecnológico Tsa'chila, 2024."


  • Josselyn Carolina Guambuguete Guambuguete Instituto Superior Tecnológico Tsa’chila
  • Alisson Anahí Pozo Burgos Instituto Superior Tecnológico Tsa’chila
  • Miguel Ángel Mantuano Casual Instituto Superior Tecnológico Tsa’chila



Document management, self-evaluation, mixed diagnosis, document organization, document centralization, self-evaluation process, academic performance.


The objective of this study was to evaluate document management in the sub-criterion of academic training in the self-evaluation process of the Tsa'chila Higher Technological Institute, 2024. It is a mixed study that combines qualitative and quantitative diagnoses to obtain a comprehensive understanding of the topic. The research is descriptive and exploratory; It analyzes little-studied topics and describes circumstances and events related to document management. It has a population of 16 people who participated in the study: the coordinators of the 12 careers, the coordinator of the language center, the coordinator of document management, the vice-rector and the academic coordinator. The data collection process was carried out through a survey that included a closed questionnaire and an interview with an open questionnaire. The results obtained from the interviews mentioned that there is a lack of organization and the lack of a centralized place for the storage of these documents. To solve these drawbacks, it was proposed to implement an MS SharePoint system that will allow the monitoring, control and centralization of the teaching criteria documents in the self-evaluation process.  In conclusion, it can be said that document management is an extremely important area for the self-evaluation process, since having a large organization of these documents does not achieve good monitoring or control of them.


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How to Cite

Guambuguete Guambuguete, J. C. ., Pozo Burgos, . A. A. ., & Mantuano Casual , M. Ángel . (2024). Document management in the subcriterion of academic training within the self-evaluation process of the Instituto Superior Tecnológico Tsa’chila, 2024.". Border Social Journal, 4(4), e44357.

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