Intervention of the social worker in university students who are victims of domestic violence




Domestic violence; students; intervention; social work.


The purpose of this article is to communicate the results of social work intervention in university students who are victims of domestic violence. This research was carried out using a mixed approach, that is, qualitative and quantitative, the population was made up of 122 students from the State University of Milagro (UNEMI) and two social workers who work at the same university. A survey was administered to the students and an interview was administered to the social work professionals using an open-ended questionnaire. Among the main findings, it was found that 34% of the students surveyed suffer from domestic violence, which indicates that this is a problem that should be considered a priority by the professionals in charge of the social area. It is concluded that, within the higher education institution, the role played by the social work professional in caring for victims of domestic violence is important, taking into consideration that, due to their actions, they are one of the first people who care and directly guides victims.


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How to Cite

Párraga Castro, R. M. . (2024). Intervention of the social worker in university students who are victims of domestic violence. Border Social Journal, 4(4), e44368.