Logistics indicators and their impact on the storage management of Frapalauto Cia.ltda. Company, Santo Domingo, 2024
Logistics indicators, Management, Warehousing, inventory, Manual.Abstract
The focus on logistics indicators and their impact on FRAPALAUTO CIA.LTDA.'s warehouse management arises from the need to optimize its internal processes. This research aims not only to identify problems, but also to offer practical and effective solutions that improve the company's efficiency and profitability in the logistics area. Although the company has a solid infrastructure, the lack of control in logistics indicators and deficiencies in the process of receiving and storing products are generating negative impacts on the supply chain. This translates into economic losses and affects the company's competitiveness in the market. The specific objectives are focused on diagnosing the current situation, identifying underlying causes of logistics problems and proposing concrete solutions through a process manual adapted to the needs and realities of the company. The combination of qualitative and quantitative methodologies will allow an exhaustive analysis of the situation. Documentary research will provide the necessary theoretical framework, while field research, through observation and interviews, will provide concrete data on current practices and areas for improvement. The inductive and deductive approach will ensure a thorough and rigorous analysis of the data collected. Through the established proposal it is expected to apply to the areas an improvement in storage management, proposing concrete solutions through the process manual and improve the operational efficiency of the company.
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