Social isolation in communities in times of covid-19: challenges and coping




Social isolation – COVID 19, challenges in pandemic, telematic education.


The COVID-19 pandemic has imposed social distancing measures that have had a significant impact on communities. Presenting challenges for individual and collective well-being; including mental health, social cohesion and the global economy. This literature review article discusses research on the impact of isolation on communities during the COVID-19 pandemic. The approach used is qualitative and retrospective, allowing to deepen the narrative of the articles consulted, facilitating the understanding of the topic raised for the collection of information, the bibliographic review technique was used in indexed databases and scientific search engines. Among the results, the increase in risk factors associated with mental health such as depression, anxiety and alcoholism is evidenced, the global economic crisis worsened, lowering productivity in different groups, in addition to describing the coping strategies developed by the different governments to cope with this problem, such as the creation of subsidies, protection policies,  the use of information and communication technologies to maintain social contact, reducing the morbidity and mortality rate during the pandemic.


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How to Cite

Hernández Castro , M. I. ., Pianchiche Añapa, L. M. ., Narváez Bastidas , D. E. ., & Escariz Borrego, L. I. . (2024). Social isolation in communities in times of covid-19: challenges and coping. Border Social Journal, 4(4), e44377.

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