Pedagogical strategies associated with harmonious coexistence: A culture of peace in the face of social behavior


  • María Dolores Criollo Coloma Unidad Educativa Municipal Antonio José de Sucre, Quito-Ecuador
  • Mónica Patricia Altamirano Rivadeneira Unidad Educativa Municipal Antonio José de Sucre, Quito-Ecuador
  • Diana Maritza Bassantes Hernández Unidad Educativa Municipal Fernández Madrid, Quito-Ecuador
  • Mayra Fernanda Zeas García Unidad Educativa Municipal Calderón, Quito-Ecuador
  • Graciela del Pilar Yánez Cajas Unidad Educativa Municipal " Julio Enrique Moreno", Quito-Ecuador



School coexistence, pedagogical strategies, conflict resolution, culture of peace, mediation.


This study focused on exploring pedagogical strategies that promote harmonious coexistence in the school environment. Through an exhaustive review of the scientific literature, the most effective practices for fostering a culture of peace and respect within educational institutions at the basic education level were identified and analyzed. The findings revealed that peaceful coexistence is fundamental to the integral development of students, and that both prevention and conflict resolution strategies play a crucial role. Prevention is achieved through the development of social skills, the establishment of clear norms, and the promotion of a respectful climate. On the other hand, conflict resolution is effectively addressed through mediation and restorative practices. The study highlights the importance of the teacher's role as a role model and facilitator in conflict management, as well as the need for active collaboration among all members of the educational community. In conclusion, this research provides scientific evidence of the importance of harmonious coexistence and offers practical recommendations for its promotion in schools, such as the incorporation of peace education into the basic education curriculum, the training of teachers in conflict management, and the implementation of school mediation programs.


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How to Cite

Criollo Coloma, M. D. ., Altamirano Rivadeneira, M. P. ., Bassantes Hernández, D. M. ., Zeas García, M. F., & Yánez Cajas, G. del P. . (2024). Pedagogical strategies associated with harmonious coexistence: A culture of peace in the face of social behavior. Border Social Journal, 4(4), e44392.

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