Methodological proposal for learning addition in the first grade of basic general education at the Doctor Camilo Gallegos school
Methodological proposal, teaching, learning.Abstract
In basic education, the acquisition of mathematical skills is fundamental, as addition is essential for the cognitive and academic development of students. The objective of this research was to design a methodological proposal that optimizes the teaching level of first-year children. basic in learning addition. The methodology implemented was with a mixed, non-experimental, field and descriptive approach, an observation guide was applied to the students and an interview with the teacher. The population was made up of 20 first-year basic general education students at the Doctor Camilo Gallegos school and one teacher. The results obtained showed that there is not much help from the teacher when the student presents difficulties, so it is necessary to strengthen the learning of addition. A methodological proposal was designed to improve the learning level of students when learning to add. It was concluded that traditionalist methodologies that are not very innovative are still being used, which make students demotivated in their teaching-learning process. Finally, the proposal is socialized with the authorities of the Doctor Camilo Gallegos school so that, according to the instruments used (interview and observation guide), the results are considered and the most optimal proposal is used.
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