Application of the 3Rs through an environmental education program at the “José María Velasco Ibarra” school, Esmeraldas.
Environmental education; Solid waste; Ecological awareness; 3R (reduce, reuse, recycle).Abstract
The current research focused on establishing an environmental education program at the “José María Velasco Ibarra” school as a response to the growing environmental problems and the need to make students aware of the importance of respecting and caring for the environment and adopting a different attitude towards solid waste, offering viable solutions, and adequate management. Descriptive, deductive, and comparative approaches and the application of techniques such as observation and survey were used. For the development of the program, several recreational and pedagogical activities and workshops were carried out in order to foster an ecological awareness that extends beyond the classroom. Throughout the process, surveys were conducted to assess the initial knowledge of the 3Rs and their evolution after the educational intervention. The research revealed that students lacked in-depth knowledge about the environmental problems caused by inadequate solid waste management (paper, plastic, glass, cardboard, and organic) and the 3Rs in environmental care. It was observed that students showed greater willingness to participate in recycling activities, and there was evidence of a reduction in the generation of waste in the school environment. The results show that environmental education based on the 3Rs is effective in promoting sustainable habits and lifestyles among new generations and transforming positive attitudes towards the environment. Furthermore, the success of the program suggests that it can be replicated in other educational institutions, contributing to greater environmental awareness, cooperation, and responsibility of the school community.
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