Multivariate analysis of the relationship between irrational beliefs and avoidance behaviors
Experiential avoidance, Irrational belief, Behavior, Cognitive, Emotions, Thoughts.Abstract
The objective of the study is to carry out a multivariate analysis of the relationship between irrational beliefs and avoidance behaviors in Psychology students at the Milagro State University. To do this, a non-experimental descriptive research with a quantitative approach is proposed, with the Ellis Beliefs Test and the AAQ-II Questionnaire as instruments. The population is made up of 286 students from the Psychology Degree at the Milagro State University, with a convenience sample of 153 students aged between 18 and over 40 years, between men and women. It is identified that the beliefs that present certain limitations are the desire for perfectionism, fantasy of evil, fear of the unknown and indefinite leisure, in addition to identifying that the average student does not present a clinical condition of experiential avoidance. There is a positive correlation between Ellis' irrational beliefs and experiential avoidance.
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